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Passover 2024

As we gathered around the table for our Passover celebration, a palpable sense of joy and renewal filled the air. It had been two years since we had last celebrated this sacred feast together. But now, seated in our new Tennessee home, our family felt a profound shift. The painful memories that had once cast a shadow over our Passover observance had given way to a deep appreciation for the blessings that had come to pass.

The decision to forgo the Passover celebration in 2023 was a thoughtful and introspective one. Amidst the upheaval of a recent move to Tennessee and the lingering weight of past pain and memories, it was recognized that our spirit was not in the most conducive state for such a sacred observance. There was a profound understanding that when coming together to honor these significant feasts, one must be truly present with a purified spirit. The choice to skip that year's Passover was not made lightly, but with the sincere intention of ensuring that when the time came to observe it again in 2024, the mental and spiritual state would be one of greater clarity and readiness. For it is understood that our Creator deserves nothing less than the most genuine and wholehearted offering.

The simple act of Netilat Yadayim (washing of hands) holds profound significance, transcending mere ritual. As we partook in this sacred tradition, even our precious two-month-old Havilah joined in, reminding us that the seeds of spirituality are planted from the earliest moments of life. Just as a single drop of water can create ripples of change, so too can the purest of souls ignite a flame that illuminates the path for generations to come.

As Vanessa lit the candles and offered the opening prayers, the family found themselves struck by the significance of the moment. The story of the Exodus, of God's deliverance of the Israelites from bondage, resonated with a newfound clarity. Today we recognized the ways in which our own journey had mirrored that ancient narrative, with struggles and challenges ultimately giving way to freedom and restoration.

When it came time to recount the story, each member at the table participated with a renewed sense of purpose. Our children, dressed in their finest, listened intently, their eyes alight with wonder. And as the family broke the Matzah and shared the symbolic foods, there was a palpable feeling of unity and gratitude.

The evening culminated in a joyous chorus of song, the family's voices blending together in a harmonious celebration of our faith and our resilience. In that moment, the scars of the past seemed to fade, replaced by a deep well of hope and inspiration.

The Afikomen hunt was quite the adventure this year! Our traditional matzah hiding turned into a full-blown scavenger hunt worthy of Indiana Jones. We thought the kids would find it quickly, but that Afikomen was playing hard to get. As midnight approached, we were stumped, wondering if we'd need a search party. But just when we were about to give up, Hadassah swooped in and saved the day - two days later!

As the Passover feast drew to a close, our family found ourselves transformed, our spirits lifted by the realization that even in the darkest of times, the promise of redemption and new beginnings can shine through. This Passover had been a testament to the power of the human spirit, a reminder that with faith and perseverance, even the most daunting challenges can be overcome.

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